With `syntax on`, the pop-up menu from ncm2 in Vim 8 (8.1 with patch 750) "flickers" when typing characters in a file with a lot of content; each time a new key is pressed, the entire pum seems to rel…
I'm switching over to ncm2 from Deoplete mostly for the better integration of LSP snippets with regular snippets. I've been using neosnippet for a while now and haven't had any problems before.
ncm2-ultisnips doesn't work well with the clangd language server for c and cpp.
First of all, all completion item will be prepend by one space.
But using enter to trigger a snippet will re…
I am wondering how do you do paramter expansion for Python?
Any change you could provide a minimal setup?
I am trying to get it to work but no clue how you did it, I have completion from LS…
I use ` ncm2 ` with ` LanguageClient-neovim ` for python autocompletion. But, I am unable to expand function parameters with this setup. It appears to me that LnaguageClient is not sending back any sn…
If you try autocompletion on this snippet, just try to insert an extra " in the printf(f"wh line, you'll see that jedi is returning bad results, looks like jedi doesn't fully support f-strings yet:
With NCM I could trigger `cm_refresh` to show available completions at current cursor position and all available snippets would be listed.
Is this possible with NCM2?
**a) The ultisnips parameter expansion is broken for functions that receive an argument of type `interface{}`.**
I type:
" select Errorf and press the ncm2_ultisnips#expand_or shortcu…
If you're having trouble with NCM2, Please provide the following information
along with your detailed issue description:
### OS
arch linux
(If you're using Linux, sharing a reproducible, vimrc m…
When open html file lsp crash and show this error:
Failed to initialize lsp-html with error -32603: Request initialize failed with message: Can not read property 'css' of undefined