To speed up tests I'm using nested transactions - this allows me to rollback all changes after I'm done testing, and move onto next test without reloading whole database, migrations and fixtures.
There seems to be some sort of bug with clearing effects, stack keeps growing (duplicate console logs).
This behaviour was introduced in https://github.com/solidjs/signals/commit/3b4cf0e44625685d2c…
Instead of a nested object (e.g. `dict` or `list`) I get a string, which although looks slightly like JSON, isn't valid for `json.loads` (it's probably result of calling `str(...)` on some object).
Placeholder ticket
See conversation in Slack: [https://fecgov.slack.com/archives/C02TE9RJEBE/p1710974659859459](https://fecgov.slack.com/archives/C02TE9RJEBE/p1710974659859459)
Business Reason
As a…
We should allow to start a new nested write transaction within an already open write transaction.
- When a nested transaction is committed, the modifications should only propagate to next outer transa…
I've wanted this feature for a long long time, today I get some ideas to implement it, so I'd like to discuss it here.
# People need something like "ReactElementNode"
I've seen such questions ag…
Using BackgroundJob.Enqueue inside TransactionScope throw exception „System.NotSupportedException: Nested/Concurrent transactions aren't supported.“
The reason is that Npgsql not supports Nested/Conc…
The error
```SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: Configs```
shows up after every start of docker container.
Full error log:
> timelimit-server@1.17.0 start
> node ./build/index.js
It is currently a bit challenging to write integration tests for (user) product code which explicitly manages transactions. Since database don't support nested transactions, users can't run the entire…
### Bug Report
| Q | A
|------------ | ------
| BC Break | no
| Version | 2.10.2
#### Summary
Using DBAL with MySQL, if a deadlock occurs inside a nested `transactio…
aboks updated
3 years ago