## 针对现在千万级用户百万并发的场景下的微服务的问题优化
- [ ] 服务注册与发现 - Netflix Eureka
- [ ] 客户端负载均衡 - Netflix Ribbon
- [ ] 服务降级限流断路器 - Netflix Hystrix
- [ ] 服务网关 - HashiCorp Zuul
- [ ] 分布式配置 - Spring Cloud Config
- [ ] …
软件环境123spring-cloud-dependencies Finchley.SR2spring-boot 2.1.1.RELEASEspring-cloud-starter-ne…
The Client-Side Service Discovery pattern is a design strategy in microservice architectures where the client is responsible for determining the network location of service instances.…
``` bash
private EurekaClient discoveryClient;
public String serviceUrl() {
InstanceInfo instance = …
Eureka是Netflix开源的一款提供服务注册和发现的产品,它提供了完整的Service Registry和Service Discovery实现。也是springcloud体系中最重要最核心的组件之一。
When I configured the app as a Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka client, the same way I did with a Spring Boot app, it shows these warnings on ActiveJ, and it's not gonna register with the Eureka registry.
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
These dependencies …
Eureka is built to work in AWS (netflix infrastructure) - ideally we will support this if anyone wants it.