@Mingun Are you familiar with [Nivs Tools](https://github.com/niv/neverwinter.nim), I'm wondering if it may be time to write a new tool that uses these tools under the covers - maybe even just a VS…
When fetching `sources.nix` from `niv` itself using:
it wou…
There seems to be some interest for niv having branches compatible with the release branches of nixpkgs. (See https://github.com/nmattia/niv/issues/311)
However, I'd like to ask if it is worth it? …
Sometimes, the `url` of a package can disappear or the content can be updated in place (the `sha` is then no longer valid).
It would be nice to have a `niv verify [PACKAGE] [--update-sha]` command to…
nlewo updated
3 years ago
[Dependabot](https://dependabot.com/) is an open-source SaaS which periodically checks for dependency updates and automatically sends PR's.
I think it will be a nice addition to Nix ecosystem if we…
BPO | [25690](https://bugs.python.org/issue25690)
--- | :---
Nosy | @rbtcollins, @ezio-melotti, @bitdancer, @voidspace
Files | [mock_open.patch](https://bugs.python.org/file41113/mock_open.patch "Uplo…
Just a little suggestion here:
I (and at least one of my colleagues) often create ad-hoc nix shells for existing and new projects, and would love it if we could effectively bootstrap a little nix p…
This action looks like it’s the natural replacement for https://github.com/knl/niv-updater-action when moving from niv to flakes.
One feature that I like a lot about niv-updater-actions is that it …
I just got this output from niv:
$ niv add skulpture-qt4 -v 0.2.4 -t 'http://skulpture.maxiom.de/releases/skulpture-.tar.gz'
Adding package skulpture-qt4
FATAL: Could not read the output o…
When trying to install a version of a package in jest, `deasync` throws
Assertion failed: (handle->type == UV_TCP || handle->type == UV_TTY ||
handle->type == UV_NAMED_PIPE), function uv___…
elado updated
5 years ago