### Feature and motivation
At the Selenium Dev Summit we agreed on this API to be generally applied across the bindings; we'll keep this labeled beta while we make sure that it works for what is ne…
I ran into this error: ``[unenv] crypto.createHmac is not implemented yet!`` using the algolia client ``client.generateSecuredApiKey()`` method.
* **Project**: nodejs-mobile-samples/android/native-gradle-node-folder
* **Version**: nodejs-mobile v0.1.18
* **Mobile device**: Xiaomi Mi Pad 4
* **Mobile OS and version**: Android 8.1.0 API 27
#### Current Behavior
i ran the command rsync to copy some files remotely:
`rsync -avz ~/logs.txt nyxar@nixos:~/Documents`
and i get the error:
[ERROR] - (starship::print): Under a 'dumb' t…
This will be needed for things like MSC3401 VoIP where arbitrary event shapes will need encrypting and sending as to-device messages.
otherwise we end up with a lot of useless object creation in the JS side. For example:
const roomMembers = await this.client.getRoomMembers(roomId);
const keysClaimReq = await this.machine.ge…
For example, it'd be really great to be able to supply a JS `object` to `encryptRoomEvent()` or better understand what `receiveSyncChanges` is actually returning.
var binding = require("./build/Release/binding"); error not found module build\Release\binding.node
windows 10
nodejs v12.16.0
node-gyp configure
node-gyp build
Compilando os proje…
The Blob Trigger binding for NodeJS functions always binds data as a Buffer even if 'dataType' is set to 'stream' or 'string'.
#### Repro steps
1. Create a node-based function using the blob tri…
### Link to the code that reproduces this issue
### To Reproduce
1. Start `next` dev server with Turbopack (`next dev --turbo`) in WASM …