**Version Information**
Version of Akka.NET? dev branch
Which Akka.NET Modules? Akka.IO
**Describe the bug**
The way TcpListener is accepting new connection is buggy. JVM managed TCP sockets thr…
The current implementation of the Tls.Stream async API (BeginRead, ReadAsync, etc) just schedules a task and calls the blocking non-async Read.
This causes most of the thread pool threads to be bloc…
在编程中I/O是必不可少的操作。日常中,我们最常接触的就是Blocking I/O,也就是常说的阻塞I/O。相信你也听过同步非阻塞I/O(Non-Blocking I/O),异步I/O(Asynchronous I/O)。要理解这些I/O模型并不是一件容易的事,相信你也在网上看到许多人尝试对这些概念解释,不过我认..…
I've an error when compiling. I think this is a boost fault, perhaps for newer version of this library (I have 1.71).
There is a way to fix?
`[felice@plasma ctorrent]$ make
From [this log](https://logs.chromium.org/logs/dart/buildbucket/cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/8891893349127547280/+/steps/test_results/0/logs/ignored_flaky_test_failure_logs/0):
I have a FIX application that uses ThreadedSocketAcceptor. The application initiates multiple sessions simultaneously, and these sessions all have a large amount of message traffic during the trading …
pyy07 updated
2 months ago
Hi there!
Thanks for this neat library. I'm giving it a go.
It would be great to have two variants of the `chunkerify` function that return a generator and async generator, and a version that is…
It'd be possible to add non-threaded non-blocking file IO support to FreeBSD as well. POSIX AIO follows the proactor design so it's fine to use it to implement file IO. And it's possible to configure …
## Blocking vs Non-blocking
- 다른 주체가 작업할 때 자신의 **제어권이** 있는지 없는지로 확인할 수 있다.
- 내가 직접 제어할 수 없는 대상을 상대하는 방법
- 대상이 제한적임
- IO
- 멀티 스레드 동기화
### Blocking
함수가 다른 함수를 호출했을 때 **호출된 함수**가 작업을…
Thought to give a short comment because of the heart warming "It ain't much, but it's honest work" approach. =)
While reading envelop.c (only the event loop part to be exact), noticed that y…