Käyttäjä voi luoda tietopyynnön tietopyyntölomakkeen avulla. Tietopyyntöjä on voitava tehdä julkisessa myyntipalvelussa, asiakaspäätteellä sekä sopimuspalvelussa.
- Tietopyyntölomake liittyy valittuu…
Launcher is working fine, but after trying to launch, the game presumably crashes with
0134:err:ole:com_get_class_object class {6962a8a2-bf55-4246-ad5d-9d26e0c1e1ce} not registered
I'm working on a ASP.NET Core MVC app and I wanted to use DinkToPdf library to convert Html to PDF.
I get this error in the console, when I first access a page that uses the IConverter from the servi…
Thank you @jagobagascon and others for the work. Unfortunately on Windows (11) the AdvertisementPayload or manufacturer data is empty.
However, via Python I receive that data just fine, on the same m…
Haven't tried myself but what's peoples experience with these?
Hello again.
What I'm looking for in nordpool_planner are the same possibilities as erlendsellie
This addition in Hacs no longer …
ojm88 updated
2 hours ago
Drag/drop or cut/paste items from one process to another can occur and there is no restrictions in place at the moment. We should consider adding the ability to avoid deserializing binary formatted OL…
To prevent divergence of the nlesc slide styles in use with NEBULA, and also to make the style loading modular (i.e. other users of NEBULA will be able to load their own styles more cleanly/easily) we…
raar1 updated
5 months ago
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Is it possible export ole images from .mdb or .accdb format with this tool?