It would be great if this list were published as an OPML file. That way users could import them into their RSS reader and decide which ones they want to keep.
This would also enable me to add it to […
Does elfeed provide an option to subscribe to a [opml file](https://github.com/mimoo/crypto_blogs/blob/master/blogs.xml)?
I tried the following, but it did not work.
(setq elfeed-feeds
I have a server that's returning OPML files.
It's not the first time I've done this, but now there seem to be enough other people interested in this that it's worth raising this question.
Making [OPML](http://opml.org/spec2.opml) feeds discoverable via HTML metadata using tags.
Aid OPML agents with auto-discovery.
Adding the following to section:
It is an option to import OPML file with podcast list, but there's no option to export it.
That would help moving from phone to phone
Dave Winer put out a ["proposal"](https://github.com/scripting/Scripting-News/issues/113) for feed readers to support subscribing to OPML files, rather than just importing them. This could allow for a…
Hello, this is a fantastic extension reminiscent of live bookmarks on Firefox which I have switched away from in favor of Safari. If I could make one suggestion, it would be to please include support …
List of other blogs
Support subscribing to an OPML file, which would automatically track the RSS feeds referenced by the OPML. Feeds are added/removed and automatically tracked.
Inspiration: http://scripting.com/2023/…
When exporting to OPML only sources outside groups get exported.