![skarmavbild 2016-12-16 kl 22 13 15](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/19612319/21278707/fb2ee2a6-c3dc-11e6-9a8a-054874bd49c3.png)
The developer instance https://master.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/ is useful for testing applications against, but applications that rely on Overpass (e.g. for automated or sparse editing) can't be pro…
compare exported PNG:
with embedded map display:
After spending quite a while trying to get a local copy of overpass running, I've now managed to get an instance working with static queries. However, I would like to be able to query it with HTTP and…
I recreated my Overpass setup in my Kubernetes environment and I got a few permission denied error.
Extract from my log:
2024-03-26T06:13:51.760964953Z tee: /db/changes.log: Permission denied
Hi :)
One of the most common requests I get from uMap support, is to ease the bridge between overpass-turbo and uMap.
uMap can eat OSM data (thanks to https://github.com/tyrasd/osmtogeojson, and so …
Here's the output when I try to run the file:
> source("./ilga_district_crashes.R")
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
filter, lag…
The tagging is already detailed at the tagging page on OSM Wiki: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenRailwayMap/Tagging#Train_protection_systems
CAWS is used on InterCity lines, (https://overpa…
There's an unclipped ledge in one corner of Assault that lets you get on some buildings you're clearly not meant to go on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDSafWtVzJI
Just wanted to quickly comment on your Overpass example in the README. The reason why this query aborts is not the rate limiting, but the missing timeout parameter you would have to provide. In that c…