What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Query GL for the max number of varyings, say this equals N.
2. Create a fragment shader and a vertex shader with N + 2 varyings:
a) N/2 vec3 varyings, …
Hi Vasili,
I am investigating the microstructure of materials using Voronoi tesselation based on randomized sphere packing. Your work is well programmed and documented for implementation. Thank you…
Paper builds further on top of HECO, for optimal data layout
Paper impr…
Any plans to implement a better texture packing algorithm. Like [MaxRects](https://github.com/treefortress/TextureUtils/blob/master/src/treefortress/textureutils/MaxRectPacker.as)?
Implement our Best Fit bin packing algorithm to operate in O(n log n).
Proper packing algorithm with multiple quality settings.
- [x] basic implementation
- [ ] reasonable parameters (quality presets, cooling schedule)
- [ ] documentation/readme
Packing puzzles can be seen as an[ exact cover](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exact_cover) problem. Donald Knuth describes the [dancing links](https://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/0011047.pdf) algorithm to solve …
It appears that some solution would show some box half hanging over another smaller box. Is there any option to allow all boxes should be on a flat surface larger enough so that it does not fall?
Not sure whether it is intended, but litematica uses a different bit packing strategy for small pallet size. Your implementation looks different from either Minecraft or litematica.
Here is a simpl…
Would it be possible to have other goal functions for the algorithm? In particular I'm interested in the rectangle with the smallest area with a certain aspect ratio that can hold the boxes. My use ca…