I have this code solving a PDE. If I set the force inside `equations` to a numerical value, everything is fine but if I try to replace it with a neural network, I get:
% python osc.py
There are some issues when using a `SplitODEFunction` with `KLUFactorization()`. If using a `MatrixOperator`:
using OrdinaryDiffEq, LinearSolve, SparseArrays
f2 = (du, u, p, t) -> u[…
In [17]: str(eq)
Out[17]: 'Eq(x**7*Derivative(f(x), x) + 5*x**3*f(x)**2 - (2*x**2 + 2)*f(x)**3, 0)'
In [13]: eq …
Given the sensitivities work we've already done, and the simplicity of the interface demonstrated in https://github.com/libMesh/libmesh/blob/master/examples/optimization/optimization_ex1/optimization_…
X11 can be used within docker with the options `-e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix` within the `docker run` command and enabling it with `xhost +local:root`.
However, in this docker image I'…
Hi all,
I am planning to insert some external libraries:
- a module for kinds parametrization and portability and _numbers auxiliary/helper procedures_ (essentially for casting numbers to strings and…
[WaterLily.jl](https://github.com/weymouth/WaterLily.jl) seems to be a very easy to use flow solver in Julia: https://julialang.org/blog/2021/08/sharks/
Writing an adapter for this would give us a …
Offer a discretisation framework that can flexibly use fast direct solvers or FMM methods depending on user needs.
This is not really an issue. I would like to hear your view on making the pde formulations parameter dependent. I am using your package you my [bifurcation tools](https://github.com/rveltz/Pseu…
It might be an option to always use an external solver library (fenics, ngsolve) and only keep the analytical problems with their associated data. The discretizers would be replaced by functions which…