This is related to nlmixr2/nlmixr2lib#45
I'm guessing that this error relates to how the residual error is defined with `DVID`:
#> Error : The simulated residual errors do not match the mod…
The latest data came back from CDCO a few days ago. Posted raw [here](http://malaria.ourexperiment.org/biological_data/15768/New_Metabolic_and_Physicochem_Data_on_Frontrunners.html). Summary image bel…
New terms - Molly Bogue
Reported by: cindyJax
Original Ticket: [obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/1590](https://sourceforge.net/p/obo/mammalian-phenotype-requests/1590)
과정 | 이수구분 | 학수번호 | 교과목명 | | 학점 | 요일 | 교시 | 담당교수 | 강의실
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
석사 | 초독 | Mpha501 | 석사초독 | | 1 | 금 | 1 | 임동석 | 약리학세미나실
석사 | 필수 | - | 코딩을 활용한 PK/PD 자료처리 | …
**Käsitteen tyyppi**
**Ehdotettu termi suomeksi**
**Ehdotettu termi ruotsiksi**
**Ehdotettu termi englanniksi**
**Tarkoitusta täsmentävä selite**
Proposed parent: abnormal xenobiotic pharmacokinetics (MP:0008875)
New term: abnormal perchloroethylene metabolism
Draft def: altered ability to metabolize perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene)…
### Model Name
Pharmacokinetics Profiler (PhaKinPro)
### Model Description
Pharmacokinetics Profiler (PhaKinPro) is a recently developed web-based tool that helps predict the pharmacokinetic …
Just noticed @tanguyduval's working on this again, thought I'd open an issue so that everyone is aware. @tanguyduval feel free to provide any details/questions/discussion here.
branch: [Perfusion](…
Hi @lindapatio. We were talking the other day about the need to improve the [wiki](https://github.com/StructuralGenomicsConsortium/CNP4-Nsp13-C-terminus-B/wiki) in terms of its coverage of molecules k…
**Summary !!!**
- **BioModel Name**: Swanson2023 - ADMET-AI: To evaluate the pharmacokinetics property of large-scale chemical libraries
- **BioModel Tag**: Machine learning model, Ersilia
- …