PLATEAU 2.x 世代の [plateau-terrain-streaming](https://github.com/Project-PLATEAU/plateau-streaming-tutorial/blob/main/terrain/plateau-terrain-streaming.md) などのデータの楕円体高は EGM96ジオイドモデル ([WIkipedia](https:/…
Project PLATEAU のデータをまとめてベクトルタイルに変換すると良いのではないかと思っており、しかしまだ着手できていないという話。
Fixed plateau not working on ArgonLab3. When selecting steps (e.g., C-F) the plateau marker does not appear on the plot.
### Bug Summary
When lmms-EQ frequency is recorded, the playback is not the same
#### Steps to reproduce
Record Manual Frequency changes of lmms-EQ
* Insert an instrument
* Insert lmms-EQ a…
Can be Visualizer limited by the Plateau?
For example to limit only those Elements which are contained within selected Plateaus can help for migration impact analyses.
Procedure manual: no submission data and a Top button, also the title section is left-aligned and the back cover is at the top.
→ Can the template support this?Pattern B.
I created a demo in Katsu that steps through the Smith 2002 paper on polarimeter optimization to answer some questions I had about the paper. I found out that for a fixed rotation ratio between the PS…
For document 002:
$ bundle exec reverse_adoc -rcoradoc/reverse_adoc/plugins/plateau \
--split-sections 2 --external-images \
-o sources/002-v4/document.adoc \
After enabling increased height some biomes like sandstone valley and painted mountains dont generate correctly (sand & other blocks are generated as grass) and these are not the only ones. It seems l…
Minecraft version: 1.21, vanilla
Tectonic version: 2.4.0a, unmodified
Other datapacks: none
Such plateaued, square terrain formations can be found across deep ocean biomes and are easily distingu…