When trying to run the test set for p = 2 and n = 4, the code is really slow and seems to be hanging on computing the splitting fields. It might be worth to reconsider the way these are generated now.…
Since I contributed the NSIS component in 2014, its RegEx patterns have been optimized by other contributors. I'm not entirely sure about the motivation for these (better performance? …
This is a feature request to make it possible to construct `RootOf`s containing `RootOf`s like so:
``` python
from sympy import Poly, RootOf
from sympy.abc import x,y
aroot = RootOf(x**7 + x + 1, 0,…
We have a problem in 8.4 that didn't arise in 8.2:
sage: R.=BooleanPolynomialRing()
sage: P.=R[]
sage: PQ.=P.quo(X^4+X+1)
sage: (t^4+t+1)==0 #problem
sage: (t^4+t+1).is_zero() #correct
We've observed an error in gcds for polynomials over `Zmod(5^2)` and `Zmod(5^3)`. This seems to be a problem in FLINT's `nmod_poly_gcd`, since Sage essentially calls that function directly.
Hi all, we are using flavio to generate and fit heavily. Since we perform many toys, speed becomes a critical issue for us and we started looking into possible ways of speeding flavio up.
Are there…
In this patch truncated multiplication of dense polynomials is
used in `PowerSeries_poly` multiplication.
in Sage-4.6 on my computer with Intel Core i7 2.8GHz
sage: R. = QQ[]
sage: K. = PowerS…
I am wondering how the interfaces to the factorization should be provided.
It should be as simple as possible doing only the basic things. Would it be
heavy to do something like in sage, creating a `…
Currently, `math.rationalize` seems to ignore imaginary numbers:
// math.js version 9.5.1
// complex coefficient a = (2 + complex(3, 4))
let a = new math.OperatorNode("+", "add", [new math…
As discussed on [sagedevel](https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/cuYVxld88Ng/m/nNfV4jxBBAAJ), the following determinant is 0, but that's not what sage says:
sage: a,b,c,d,e,z = var("a b c d…