**As a:** CUSTOMER
**I want:**
- [x] To have a handy button for a new promo when I am logged in.
- [ ] To fill title, description and available dates for my new promo and post it.
**So that:**…
Promo image
What is your thought on putting the promo cards (alt art) in the db? It would be nice to have for collection reasons.
I'll offer my assistance if need be but being as it is your project want to kno…
[Alignable-promo--left](http://webstyleguide.ucdavis.edu/?p=molecules-alignable-promo-left) - image aligne…
References closed issue https://issues.shopware.com/issues/NEXT-21373 and decided to submit it again.
**Description:** If you have two promotions and one of the promotions has a condition (fe TAG) an…
## Status
**[2024-04-24]** [CAIA would like to move away from linked headings](https://dsva.slack.com/archives/C023ZKDJJK1/p1688595889940609), so will prioritize this in an upcoming sprint to get ah…
### Who for
### What
#### Labels
- [ ] [Labels required for the Eco-Score](https://wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Eco-score_labels_-_en)
- [ ] #5209
#### Packaging
- [ ] Packaging
#### Category
Since you have announced and start selling CAN version of Eddy can you please update the documentation for the CAN version? I am currently building a Formbot 2.4 kit but I would like to replace TAP wi…
Hi, I just started using your expander card (2.2.6). It works just fine, but I immediatly noticed that the expanding animation is a bit laggy.
Please, this is required