Trying to make an inventory of all the features supported by the current SmartForm component, and think about how to create a better version.
## Goals
A new version should ideally accomplish th…
Hi Eric! I saw your talk at CharmCityJS last night (great talk! btw), and heard you mention you were looking for someone to review this app. I haven't looked at any of the code yet (I like to start wi…
The codebase uses https://github.com/diegohaz/constate for state management. There are no concerns about this specific choice, but it would be interesting why you decided to pick this over other optio…
안녕하세요, 지수님!
과제 구현하시느라 정말 고생 많으셨습니다 :)
잘 돌아가는 기능 뿐만 아니라 작은 디테일들도 구현을 해주셔서 훌륭한 결과물이 나온 것 같습니다.
전체적으로 아쉬운 부분이 거의 없을 만큼 구조면, 클린 코드면, 기능면 모든 면에서 정말 잘 구현하셨습니다.
# props-drilling
- props-drilling을 위해…
- [x] `next/future/image`, `next/link`, `next/script`をマイグレーション
- [x] `next dev --turbo`でTurbopack有効化
- [x] `next.config`で有効化
- [x] `next.config`で`pageExtension`をデフォルトにする
- [x] `_app.tsx…
### Provide environment information
"initVersion": "7.22.0"
### Describe the bug
Session provider from Next auth not wrapping children in `src/app/layout.tsx` and must be added manually. Calling u…
## Upgrade relay to the latest version.
We are using an older version of Relay and the deprecated component style for query renderers, fragment containers and refetch containers. The latest version o…
## Overview
The focus for this code review will be centered around the Landing and Audited pages.
Please pay attention too:
* Javascript issues
* React components
## Review Branch
@pawaitemadisoncollege week 8 is ready for review. Screenshots of this class and the passing tests are in the screenshots directory. This link will take you directly to the TestServiceClient class: ht…
## Case
Currrently there's `useItemState` and `useItemApi` hooks
But I came up with an idea of a more unified and convenient hook
## Solution
1. Unify shapes returned from APIs so we can u…