Opensudoku version 1.1.5
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in SdmImportTask class while
attempting to get a .o…
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in OpenSudokuImportTask class while
attempting to get a .opensudoku file from…
Opensudoku version 1.1.5
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in SdmImportTask class while
attempting to get a .o…
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in OpenSudokuImportTask class while
attempting to get a .opensudoku file from…
Opensudoku version 1.1.5
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in SdmImportTask class while
attempting to get a .o…
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in OpenSudokuImportTask class while
attempting to get a .opensudoku file from…
Opensudoku version 1.1.5
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in SdmImportTask class while
attempting to get a .o…
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in OpenSudokuImportTask class while
attempting to get a .opensudoku file from…
### Parent Issue
_No response_
### User Story
As a user, I want to be able to download a file from dotCMS through an API with authentication, so I can programmatically retrieve files from dotCMS.
Opensudoku version 1.1.5
Explicit intent that violates intent filter for activity FileImportActivity
makes the application access the network in SdmImportTask class while
attempting to get a .o…