Under Sensor the Sensor Pressure is misleading.
Is this Absolute Pressure or Relative Pressure ?
Currently we have different lists for "select a variable" dropdowns in
- Sun and Clouds(short list)
- Psychrometric Chart (long list)
- Data Explorer (long list)
it should always be the same (lo…
Should not the unit be W/K/m2 or W/(k m2)?
Issue overview
1. User file has AirloopHVAC:UnitarySystem with Setpoint control and Coil:Cooling/Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit. The cooling coils do not operate. Eventually s…
Similar to `npx @grafana/create-plugin` or `npx @grafana/sign-plugin`, it would be very useful to have a command to validate a plugin. Then we could add it to `package.json` and run `yarn validate` (f…
Where number is expected for items in this line nil or string are passed in
Error in fmu.initialize() step related to `Model error: Argument of log(ahu.cooCoi.dryWetCalcs.TAirInDewPoi) was 0 should be > 0` in `Buildings.Applications.DataCenters.ChillerCooled.Examp…
It appears the current zone_dbt_rh draws lines based on constant temperatures.
Is there an easy way to show a PMV thermal comfort zone?
This is kind of a placeholder but maybe we should consider using https://github.com/psychrometrics/psychrolib for psychometric calculations as it may come in handy later with some parametizations like…
VCWG: Progress [%] 26.47
VCWG: Progress [%] 26.47
Exception in thread Thread-1 (run_vcwg):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\urban_climate_and_w…