Tenemos que revisar las entradas que se autogeneraron automáticamente. En particular hay que revisar los siguientes aspectos (lista no exhaustiva):
- Renderizado de Código
- Links a assets (imágen…
The below comes up for one volume in Rinchen Terdzo, in a scan of the whole body of texts. I tried to manually reproduce but could not.
The line that is causing it seems to be:
I've installed with pypi and I'm doing...
import pybo as bo
# initialize the tokenizer
tok = bo.BoTokenizer('POS')
# load a string to a variable
input_str = 'འཇམ་དཔལ་གཞོན་ནུར་གྱུར་པ་ལ་…
Please have a look to the following script :
the function test_split_token() returns:
Loading Trie...
Time: 0.0014331340789794922
TypeError …
It looks like right now the mode of operation is where the case particle འི་ is separated from the word it belongs to. For example སེམས་དཔའི becomes སེམས་དཔ འི which of course renders the word incom…
Looks like in some cases there is an import error for yaml.
This is resolved by:
`pip install pyyaml`
anyone knows of published comparison between a varieties of hyper-parameter auto-tuning optimizer, including SigOpt, hyperopt, spearmint, moe, BayesianOptimization, pybo and gpyopt?
Following Bergstra NIPS 2011 (@jaberg for the intimates) it would be great to have a GridSearch-like object implementing Gaussian-Process based hyper-parameter optimization.
To keep things simple, we…
`SMC.add_data(x, y)` breaks if `x` is one-dimensional, because instead of looping over data points it loops over the dimensions of the single data point.