Prišiel nám na podporu podnet k accessibility. Vraj jediný problém je pri otmto dialógu:
Text z e-mailu:
> V treťom kroku v procese pridávania certifikátu do aplikácie na obrazovke, kde po z…
When a field is used for a individual radio or checkbox, the position of the description is not correct. It should be directly below the label, to communicate the hierarchy properly. If it's not posit…
Amazing work with this project @pvvx - really appreciating and exiting!
I bought 6x THB01 and all show the same connection issues. Right from the first BOOT flash it is almost impossible (maybe 1 o…
### Preflight Checklist
- [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct](https://cider.sh/legal/conduct) that this project adheres to.
- [X] I have searched the [issue tracker](https://github.com/cid…
Looks like the PG beacon freqs aren't excluded
I'm a new user of MAVLINK and I'm looking for a particular functionality that I'm not sure if it's implemented in MAVSDK (i.e, I haven't seen it in the source code).
I'm trying to detect the actual…
Not sure what the root cause is here. I suppose it's possible that it's a Safari rendering bug. It looks correct in Chrome.
Reporting client version: 515.1642
## Issue Summary
if you speak near tons of radios you will get automuted for spam
## Round ID:
### Description
Improving code maintainability and readability.
### Proposed Solution or API
1. Move the `useRadio` code from `radio.tsx` to a new file called `use-radio.ts`.
2. Move the `us…
Hello Pavel, this is not an issue, but a feature request (I think...)..
Unless I missed it, I would like to create a gnuradio block that has 2 channel phase coherent inputs, like the vna and the pu…