I created a clean project using the generator.
then, `npm install --save react-router redux-simple-router`
but couldn't render components using Routes.
I changed run.js to render the routes:
This is a tracking issue for all work related to creating a new "Understanding Redux" section
## Goal
Pasting from my original writeup in #3313 :
> This section has several objectives:
> …
Hey Nick, I've tested your code with the implementation of index.js inside /reducers with:
import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import PostReducer from './PostReducer'
export default c…
In development environment, I noticed that with each reload that the app was slow. So I did some testing, and by removing PersistGate, the app loads easily, and without any slowness.
yo react-webpack-redux:reducer my/namespaced/reducers/name
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Line 48: Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed…
Having troubles integrating with react-router-redux:
import { syncHistoryWithStore, routerReducer, routerMiddleware } from 'react-router-redux'
let reducers = combineReducers({
app: app.reduce…
Hello there,
I am facing weird issue on redux devtool,
I created 3 reducers
hy guys.
After Rehydration, i dispatch action, i get back the initialState, not the persisted state.
Same result when i dispatch clean redux action or thunk
what i make wrong and how avoid that?…
Data stored initially gets replaced with new data after logout and when app is restarted or refreshed the initial stored data is retrieved back to reducer instead of the second set of stored data or r…
After cloning and installing repo when I run `npm run` I got
[0002] info Server running at (connect)
[0002] info LiveReload running on 35729