Besides Matching, IPWeighting we also need Regression Discontinuity Design for estimating causal or treatment effects
Two introductory overview papers for applications in epidemiology and health
compare_lr, compare_jtest, ANOVA and related
e.g. anova type tests base on deviance or pearson chisquare for GLM
I don't see a summary issue, but many individual issues
- #30 oldest issue for …
Submitting Author Name: Øystein Sørensen
Submitting Author Github Handle: @osorensen
Repository: https://github.com/LCBC-UiO/galamm
Version submitted:
Submission type: Stats
## Description:
This issue proposes an enhancement to the Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) architecture that involves the development of an automated method for converting trained models into symboli…
In the description of the spline bases in the mgcv documentation it sounds like the derivatives uses in computing the derivative penalty can be different from the knots used in evaluating the spline.
## Slides
Current size of slide sets (cap at 25, except Week 1). Revise readings, practice sessions and exercises, and include screenshots of videos when relevant.
- [x] 1. 37 -- OK, cap at ~ 40…
Are you going to work for getting gtsummary compatible with VGAM models?
It would be great!
I would like to run plain regressions on the data once pygam has found the right knots. Is there any way to get this out of fitted model?
We can define
def truncate(x, l):
x = (x - l) * (x >= l)
return x
And then simply do
formula = "response ~ x + truncate(x, 10) + truncate(x, 20)"
Dear medflex Team,
I tried to use the weighting-based approach with a multicategorical mediator variable and got the following error: