# Summary
When starting rexray service by "rexray start", it stuck in the middle of process.
# Bug Reports
This section is for issues that relate to discovered problems or bugs.
## Version
docker@manager1:~$ curl -sSL https://rexray.io/install | sh
sort: invalid option -- 'V'
BusyBox v1.27.2 (2017-10-30 14:58:40 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: sort [-nrugMcszbdfiokt] [-o FILE…
following this ticket > https://github.com/rexray/rexray/issues/1321 im still not able to get the volume to mount. I am using the bitnami/mariadb image. It may be because the mariadb services makes a …
# Summary
s3fs plugin v.0.9.2 not works.
# Bug Reports
## Version
Please paste the output of `rexray version`. For example:
docker plugin ls
Since CSI 0.2 brought some breaking changes, this plugin no longer works with latest versions of GoCSI (rexray/gocsi@4c3ac6e450fccb81433122b614d265bb8c3f3f25).
# /root/go/bin/csc -e unix:///cs…
r2bit updated
6 years ago
# Summary
1. `git clone https://github.com/thecodeteam/rexray.git`
2. `cd rexray`
3. `make`
4. `./rexray volume ls` output below error message:
# ./rexray volume ls
Oops, an error occured!
# Summary
Creating a volume with an underscore succeeds, however it can not be mounted
## Version
Binary: /var/lib/docker/plugins/4dcf624b542367dd4b6ff0d4687526ec4…
backup the `/data` directory.
using duplicati to onedrive (+school), mega, gdrive, pulseheberg
# Summary
I configure the kubernetes plug-in according to the document([here](https://rexray.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/schedulers/kubernetes/))
create a test pod failed
# Summary
When deploying a stack using a compose file, the service that has a rexray volume attached never comes online (stays replicated 0/1).
# Bug Reports
This section is for issues that relat…