Hello there thanks for your Medium article I found it quite interesting.
Was playing around with the sample provided but I was unable to compile `operations.cob` other two cobol file worked well.
One feature that would be extremely nice to have is the ability to define custom enums to automatically unwrap as newtypes on a specific variant unless otherwise specified. By this, I mean sometime si…
just link in gnome, we have 'gsettings' and 'dconf', to store it settings as key:value pairs. where cosmic store its settings? (particularly it's layout)
any set of command-line utility to manupula…
**Cosmic-Session version**
Installed: 0.1.0~1726589172~24.04~d06f94a
When the system is woken from suspend, the external monitor fails to function properly. Though in…
When creating a ron file through the following menu, an error is produced.
Right click folder > New > New RON File
The error:
`Template not found: RON File`
I am on Windows 10, CLion 2019.2, a…
Sites with the iForm module can no longer run cron after updating to Drupal 10.3.2. Manually trigerring a run gives the following error
Error: Class "helper_base" not found in iform_cron() (line…
Could you make a new file for leftwm?
Toml configuration was like this.
border_width = 1
margin = [1, 1]
default_border_color = "#4c566a"
floating_border_color = "#4c566a"
Is it possible to add a RigidBodyDesc and ShapeDesc to a component in a prefab ron file?
Is there a formatter or linter for ron available for vscode? The vscode-ron extension seems to do syntax highlighting but not formatting.