When I only using startWith, it's works fine for me
const rx = require('rxjs')
const test2$ = rx.Observable
Hello @mattpodwysocki I had experimented with `flatMapFirst` and `flatMapLatest` but `flatMapLatest` doesn't working correct as for me. You can look on these examples:
``` js
let as = [1, 2, 3];
Transation 'firstTransaction' has two insert queries Q1 and Q2. In the following example query Q2 fails due to primary key constraint violation.
public void test() {
## Device information
- Tachidesk version: v0.7.0 revision r1197
- Server Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (official Tachidesk Docker image)
- Server Desktop Environment: N/A
- Server J…
03-24 20:12:31.377 1227-7114/io.github.laucherish.purezhihud E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: RxCachedThreadScheduler-58
There is `fromPromise` to convert ES Promise to observable, or `toStream()` to convert to TC39/Rx Observable, but nothing to convert a TC39/Rx Observable to an observable.
This exception is thrown sometimes and not always.
Version Used: ribbon-loadbalancer-2.2.4
at com.google.common.collect.RegularImmutableList.get (Reg…
created new `progress.js` file
const { Observable } = Rx;
const { map } = Rx.operators;
const { concatMap, c…
Line in question:
Observables, produced by the CollectionSelector, are merged. There is another operator rxcpp::observable::flat_map that works sim…
Assume the following scenario where you need a dynamic number of server calls (sometime is 0) and you need to execute some functionality when all of them are done.
let updatesObservable = getR…