Hi I am trying to use the Text module with sentiment2.en. However, after I downloaded sentiment2.en, it asks me to download sentiment2.un. When I attempted to download sentiment2.un, it told me pack…
Contextual Augmentation: Data Augmentation by Words with Paradigmatic Relations
This article is part of a series of efforts that have used language models for data augm…
is there a way for users to provide or help you provide new languages to the ntlk mashape api? thx!
Hello @DeepKaran1,
This issue page is for your first task on this project.
As we discussed, we have a pipeline in which we store the aos of each review from the datasets. Now, we have a dataset load…
Hi @yafangy Great work. Thanks for sharing the code.
I was preparing datasets for laptop. I need to know how did you decide **sent_len and sent_num** in case of restaurant?
**sent_len, sent_num = 8…
sorry, i don't know your contribution
just reformulating the tasks? and proving GPT-2 is powerful???
Thanks for this nice repository.
I'm working on a similar project, and am interested in making a version of the infographic charts you have at the bottom of the readme. However, in my testing I've …
I downloaded this dataset(ChineseNlpCorpus/datasets/weibo_senti_100k) to train a model for chinese sentiment analysis. Upon treating this dataset I observed that 100% of the posts contain emoticons. H…
Hello Ayliote , seems very cool project but for whatever reason I cannot seem to find the file named
Here is the full error
No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\L031218…
Most likely need to follow the VADER project found here. http://comp.social.gatech.edu/papers/icwsm14.vader.hutto.pdf
A good idea to read through (or at the very least skim through) to understand w…