### Steps To Reproduce
1. Ensure that Amazon Shopping mobile app is installed on device
2. Create a Login with required fields (user name, password)
3. Add the URI: https://www.amazon.com, Save
It's a unique device that boox customized it for JD (Chinese online shopping website)
It do not contain OnyxOtaService.apk in /system/priv-app/, but integrated the ota function in their own app jdrea…
#### 问题详细描述 Detailed description of the problem
继承的Base没有成功替换PluginActivity,该情况发生在插件中正常引入(implementation 'me.yokeyword:fragmentation:1.2.4', 我的base继承该库中的SupportActivity)该库可以正常替换。由于该库还依赖了support-fragm…
Using embedded technologies, we can layer external applications with internal applications to make a seamless experience:
- RAVE Movie watching app
- Chat app
- Videogame app
- Board Game app
您好老师,能在这里自荐React Native开源项目吗?
C-Shopping-RN APP
这个是一个React Native(Expo) 开发的完整App应用,是一个精美的电商购物应用
## 使用技术
- React Native
- Redux Toolkit
- RTK Query
- Expo Router
- NativeWind
android.database.StaleDataException: Attempting to access a closed
CursorWindow. Most probable cause: cursor is deact…
android.database.StaleDataException: Attempting to access a closed
CursorWindow. Most probable cause: cursor is deact…
I just installed the beta version for usb type c support by it still doesn't work.
I bought one ir from here: https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005005825447410.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&…
### What
- We currently have
- History of products loaded by the app (in the History tab)
- History of scans (in the user profile, not accessible unless you are logged in)
- Lists (no defaul…
OI Shopping List: NullPointerException in ShoppingActivity.setSelectedListId()
User messages:
Stack traces:
25.08.2011 11:29:26
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable …