This is more of a nice-to-have than a must-have, but it would be really helpful that releases provide such a file (generated by CMake's install process) to ease the import of precompiled binaries in C…
Presently the way SLANG is ingrated into CTS
1. fetch the slang sources by running": fetch external/fetch_sources.py
2. go into external/slang/src
3. git submodule update --init
4. premake.bat v…
By inspection, this appears to have a bug where X is NaN and Y and Z are not specials.
fmin3() has a similar issue as described below for fmax3()
fmax3(NaN, 1, 2) should return 2 but would return 1.…
When using -embed-spirv feature, every slang-module with embedded SPIRV will provide one SPV file each, with one additional SPV file as glue. There needs to be an interface to extract all the SPV fil…
``` verilog
module test;
logic [7:0] k;
logic clk_i;
logic rst_ni;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if(~rst_ni) begin
**Describe the bug**
When I run `flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs` with the following `build.yaml` the first time it generates the correct `translations.g.dart` file. B…
This method
cannot be translated.
But this…
The [PyPI package](https://pypi.org/project/pyslang/)'s documentation link points to https://sv-lang.com.
It would be nice if there was specific documentation built for the Python project to make u…
Document process of merging `nmdc-schema/main` into `berkeley-schema-fy24/main` (in local slang: "backmerge", "back-merge", "back merge").
Although I don't expect myself to be the only author here,…
From a quick profiling, it appears that roughly 40% of the CPU time is spent in a function, `SlangResult _createDevice(const IDevice::Desc* desc, IDevice** outDevice)`, while running slang-test.
It c…