As soon as I start the monitor, the payload is successfully delivered to my Discord, then, when it tries to connec to Nike, this error shows up:
File "C:\Users\Pichau\Desktop\Sneaker-Monitors-…
plnd1 updated
3 years ago
Hi there, my code breaks after compiling with bytenode and that it also breaks with javascript-obfuscator. And after long hours of debugging, I've come into conclusion that `JSON."parse()"` and `local…
I'm using this bot on a Raspberry Pi 4 2gb with the latest version of raspbian headless installed. I've configured Zalando, Solebox, SNKRS and Supreme monitors to run in the background 24/7. The CPU u…
This is console output:
> python.exe .\SNKRSMonitor.py
Payload delivered successfully, code 204.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\frapa\snkrs-monitor-co…
C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\Sneaker-Monitors-master\Sneaker-Monitors-master\SNKRS>python SNKRSMonitor.py
Payload delivered successfully, code 204.
('Connection aborted.', ConnectionRese…
see logs
seem to be a proxy issue as well. Please take a look when you have a ch…
will your monitor be able to include stock level/ counts for nike SNKRS launch website?
I totally appreciate you with giving this plug. Just a suggestion: put the size and the price when tracking items from SNKRS. That'll be dope.
Thanks and cheers!
Users with "US" location selected in line 9 of "Sneaker-Monitors/SNKRS/.env" as seen below:
"LOC = "US"
Receive broken links for Nike products when the monitor posts to discord.
I notice…