The other day i was working on a proxy library and i got an idea for an API that crystal would probably benefit from. The basic idea is to have a central class/mixin/other way to create something that…
.then(() => reject(new boom_1.Boom('Timed Out', {
Error: Timed Ou…
I am running bolt.new locally, and I try to access a different API hosted locally.
But I always end up getting `socket hang up` error. When accessing external apis it seems to sometimes work, but o…
Hey there!
When I get a web socket update I want to refetch data.
This setup is working (notice setTimeout):
useEffect(() => {
if (!enabled) {
run with docker like this:
docker run --name vulnz -itd -e NVD_API_KEY=00b50b29-xxxx -v nvd-cache:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs jeremylong/open-vulnerability-data-mirror:v7.0.0
show logs:
*Title*: *Healthcheck draining causing CPU spike*
>We are seeing that health check draining is causing CPU spike in our application. We have observed this issue in our couple of sys…
I want to test my server api endpoint and mock useRequireSession but I cannot get it to work
I am trying something like this
// @vitest-environment nuxt
import { describe, it, expect, vi } …
Hello there,
I would like to know whether eat_soc_connect api works in your sdk?
Hi there, i am trying to get the api to run. i have these variables:
Socket mode receiver fails to make a successful connection due to `WebSocket error occurred: Unexpected server response: 409` error. Retries after this error occurs may eventually lead to a successful…