Since the yolo v3, instead of softmax, it starts to use logistic regression, which can handle the case when one object belongs to multiple labels. I wonder when preparing the training dataset, e.g. ob…
Hi TFLearn Team,
I am new to tensorflow and tflearn and implementing a classifier using LSTM.
In the meanwhileI, encountered the following warning:
Spark as far as I see has perceptron with only sigmoid activation functions….
From the source code:
*Each layer has sigmoid activation function, output layer has softmax.
* Number of inputs has to …
Is there any plan to implement any of the latest yolo obb models in the near future?
Mainly Writing post-processing is not easy for everyone. So I can't move forward with that.
It seems the output ground truth label size is different when using L2 loss (nn.MSECriterion),
and it seems inappropriate to use log softmax as the final output of the network.
Thus, I changed th…
Hi. Handson-ml is a fantastic book and I'm enjoying it so far.
I was having a crack at Exercise 12 of Chapter 4 and implemented my own BGD for Softmax Regression with early stopping. I took it quit…
I've set up a sequence generator for all ascii characters:
`def create_model():
char_idx = {chr(i):i for i in range(256)}
g = tflearn.input_data([None, maxlen])
g = tflearn.layers.c…
Hi, love this library, awesome work.
Here's a bug one I run this code:
config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True, allow_soft_placement = True)
sess = tf.Session(config = config)
`predict_particles` throws a `MethodError` when I try to use it in the multinomial logistic regression example.
The error is: `ERROR: MethodError: no method matching &(::Particles{Bool,1000}, ::Par…