We are migrating our load balanced RestTemplates from using the legacy, netflix http client to the new RestTemplate + Spring Retry.
One thing that surprised us was that the ribbon setting for conn…
Hey guys, first of all thanks so much for the repo, amazing examples.
Second, I'm opening this issue to improve the usage of netflix-oss usage in the examples provided. Take for example the [Comments…
is there a way to communicate using web sockets and MQ with zuul?
I'm receiving the error
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_73.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java "-Dmaven.home=/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/Contents/plugins/maven/lib/maven3" "-Dclassworlds.co…
[Spring API Cloud Gateway-20241022T155213Z-001.zip](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17479142/Spring.API.Cloud.Gateway-20241022T155213Z-001.zip)
[INFO] +- org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-zuul:jar:1.3.2.RELEASE:compile
I see a difference in how SimpleHostRoutingFilter and DynamicServerListLoadBalancer handle the https p…
# 背景
目前的网关是基于`Spring Boot 1.5.x` 和`Tomcat 8.5.x`构建,采用多线程阻塞模型,也就是说每个请求都会占用一个独立的线程资源,而线程在JVM中是一个相对比较重的资源。当应用是CPU密集型的或者说依赖的远程服务都正常工作时,这种模型能够很好的满足需求,但一旦后端服务出现了延迟,比如慢查询、FullGC、依赖的第三方接口出问题等情况,线程池很容易被打满,使得整…
I am using spring-boot-oauth2 with authorization_code flow and @EnableZuulProxy . I set 60 seconds to access token valid time for development purpose. Everythings work fine until access token still va…
前面的文章我们介绍了,Eureka用于服务的注册于发现,Feign支持服务的调用以及均衡负载,Hystrix处理服务的熔断防止故障扩散,Spring Cloud Config服务集群配置中心,似乎一个微服务框架已经完成了。