테스트를 반복적으로 수행할 수 있는 자동화할 수 있는 코드를 작성해보자.
기존에 `MemberServiceTest` 를 `MemberServiceIntegrationTest` 로 변경하여 만들어보자.
하기 코드에 대한 test 코드 작성
package hello.hellospring.repository;
import hello.hellospring.domain.Member;
import java.util.*;
public class MemoryMemberRepository implement…
### 1. 알고가자
- 동기vs 비동기 & 블로킹 vs 논블로킹
- https://github.com/skarltjr/CS/blob/main/Network/blocking%2Cnon-blocking%20%26%20sync%2Casync.md
동기 - 비동기
동기 : 호출 시점과 응답시점이 동일하다. 즉 호출함 함수가 처리결과에 대한 응답을…
This quickstart need some sample or instructions how to create an invoice from the command line using curl etc or some other REST client.
Also maybe it should include an out of the box ready invoice,…
I created a new Preferences implementation to use with Spring MVC. It retrieves
properties, overriding the default ones, from the Spring MVC current theme
properties file.
Tested with Spring 3…
I created a new Preferences implementation to use with Spring MVC. It retrieves
properties, overriding the default ones, from the Spring MVC current theme
properties file.
Tested with Spring 3…
how to spring mvc adpative spring data jpa pageable
Veracode Software Composition Analysis
Attribute | Details
| --- | --- |
Library | Spring Web MVC
Description | Spring Web MVC
Language | JAVA
Veracode Software Composition Analysis
Attribute | Details
| --- | --- |
Library | Spring Web MVC
Description | Spring Web MVC
Language | JAVA