Could you please tell me what dataset the following models are pretrained on?
- SSD-MobileNet (dataset combinedNMS?) https://github.com/IntelAI/models/tree/master/benchmarks/object_detection/tensor…
Hi i faced this issue while running "python train.py --logtostderr --train_dir=training/ --pipeline_config_path=training/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_pets.config"
Traceback (most recent call last):
I tried to run the train using mobilenet implementation. I modified the nets_factory script by adding ssd_300_mobilenet2 to the dictionaries but I get the following error
**File "train.py", line 6,…
I have trained a custom model on SSD MobileNet V2 FPNLite 320 x 320. This is the error I'm getting:
`Invalid argument(s): Output object shape mismatch, interpreter returned output of shape: [1, 10]…
### Description
I was running the last several days modifying opencv/detect.py for three usb cameras. All went well. I also modified it to just gather images with no inference. Grabbed a couple th…
I have setup and installed `cuda 11.6` on a `Tesla T4 GPU` on a AWS machine. Below is the screenshot of `nvidia smi`
OS : Windows 64bit
Python: 3.7
Plaidml-keras : 0.7.0
keras : 2.2.4
**Stack Trace**
Using plaidml.keras.backend backend.
INFO:plaidml:Opening device "llvm_cpu.0"
Epoch 1/100
Traceback (m…
在CPU上运行SSD MobileNet内存占用900多M,而用Opencv的DNN模块来运行,内存200多M,差别为什么这么大呢
visionlab@visionlab:~/workspace/liuqinglong/ncnn-mobilenet-ssd-master/ncnn-mobilenet-ssd/build$ cmake ..
-- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = /home/visionlab/workspace/liuqinglong/ncnn-mobilenet-ssd-master/ncnn…
Where can I find a pre-trained model over COCO dataset with embedded_ssd_mobilenet as configuration?
That would be essential for transfer learning and it would be useful not only to me, but to t…