for summer sem student latest attendance shows attendace for older sems
The student will have added to their page the following
-A pop up saying they have no assigned courses yet if that is true
-A dropdown menu with all of their assigned courses to pick
- Site: [https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca](https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca)
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- **CSP: Wildcard Directive** [10055] tota…
- Site: [https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca](https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca)
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@nhannah [commented](https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/3964#issuecomment-2484790624) on issue #3964. I'm going to move it to a separate issue here because I believe it's unrelated to the or…
- Site: [https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca](https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca)
**New Alerts**
- **CSP: Wildcard Directive** [10055] tota…
- Site: [https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca](https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca)
**New Alerts**
- **CSP: Wildcard Directive** [10055] tota…
- Site: [https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca](https://student-admin-8878b4-test.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca)
**New Alerts**
- **CSP: Wildcard Directive** [10055] tota…
The default value for the below should not be selected. Default values should be based on the most common scenarios.
Furthermore, note the typo error in the word "Recieving", it should be "Receivin…