After looking at the specs, I came to this conclusion:
Material Design doesn't define any select component. Instead it has the concept of [menus](http://www.google.com/design/spec/components/menus.htm…
By default, the chart will show a raw `Rendering Chart...` string, it's quite styleless. Can you add a custom style option for the style? or just make it look better?
My react app on the first load is styleless for about a second then Bootstrap get loaded.
I'm using bootstrap-loader with react-starter-kit and browserSync
How to fix it ?
In the given example the css is forgotten and the rendered graphiql is styleless.
As a Chinese, I often play video with Chinese subtitles. These subtitles often specify fonts available only on Windows, but not on my OS X. For example,
> fontconfig: cannot find font 'SimHei', falli…
_Disclaimer: I do not use the package, this was found during automated npm packages downloading._
_Migrated from https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/11316 after IRC disussion._
`ember-***` np…
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 4408
(If this is your first time submitting an issue report to the GWT Issue
Tracker, please see the sample issue report linked below for an example of
I am using the Totomo Wordpress theme as a base theme to expand upon on a site I am creating.
I have checked and confirmed there are no unclosed div tags or extra closing div tags.
The issue I am ha…
_Disclaimer: I do not use the package, this was found during automated npm packages downloading._
`ember-***` npm packages commonly include `tmp` (and `.idea`) directories.
`tmp` directories have siz…
Each UIObject should be able to render a preview when selected in the
preview pane. For screens or newly selected descriptors this can be mediate
as currently. But if we select a bitmap or a contr…