## Why
Machine Learning 輪講は最新の技術や論文を追うことで、エンジニアが「技術で解決できること」のレベルをあげていくことを目的にした会です。
prev. #12
## What
We need to study this baseline
[An Unsupervised Neural Attention Model for Aspect Extraction](https://aclanthology.org/P17-1036.pdf)
## Keyword: metric learning
### ShufaNet: Classification method for calligraphers who have reached the professional level
- **Authors:** Ge Yunfei, Diao Changyu, Li Min, Yu Ruohan, Qiu Linshan, Xu…
Post a link for a "possibility" reading of your own on the topic of Deep Learning with Text [for week 5], accompanied by a 300-400 word reflection that: 1) briefly summarizes the article (e.g., as we …
lkcao updated
2 years ago
In terms of functionality, the mid-term end goal is to achieve an offering of ML algorithms and pre-processing routines comparable to what is currently available in Python's [`scikit-learn`](https://s…
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### Describe the workflow you want to enable
The current transform method in LatentDirichletAllocation normalizes the $\gamma$ parameter from the paper. However, this normalization is not supported b…
VTT99 updated
1 month ago
## Context: the new `global_random_seed` fixture
#22749 introduces a new `global_random_seed` fixture to make it possible to run the same test with any seed between 0 and 99 included. By default, w…
I am looking for testers to test out the package to compare it to other approaches. Inviting @jlacko I see you used keras in this blog post
## Context: the new `global_dtype` fixture and `SKLEARN_RUN_FLOAT32_TESTS` environment variable
Introduction of low-level computational routines for 32bit motivated an extension of tests to run the…