## Steps
See https://dotty.epfl.ch/docs/internals/best-effort-compilation.html
> One of the goals of this feature is to keep the maintainance cost low, and to not let this feature hinder the pac…
E.g. I got this output when trying to re-enable tasty
tasty-1.4.1 ([changelog](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/tasty-1.4.1/changelog)) [...] is out of bounds for:
- [ ] tasty-ant-xml-…
List all the compatible Scala 3 features
- give an example
- what are the limitations
List all the incompatible Scala 3 features
adpi2 updated
3 years ago
If you're interested in Datalog, metaprogramming, TASTy, static analysis, or in the general sense ways to extract meaning from code, there are a set of potential projects at the [Carac](https://github…
https://travis-ci.org/ku-fpg/hermit/ fails with
trying: hermit-*test
trying: tasty-golden-2.3.1 (dependency of hermit-*test)
next goal: async (dependency of tasty-golden-2.3.1)
[get_all_records](https://docs.gspread.org/en/latest/api/models/worksheet.html#gspread.worksheet.Worksheet.get_all_records) does not allow one to specify the headers if there is no header row. One ca…
Currently `ReadComments` context mode is required to load & store comments when reading TASTY files. Now that we have an API for accessing the comments ( https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/pull/6028 ),…
combine these because of similar api
plutip-server` and `local-cluster` don't depend on BPI so we should separate them
- *plutip-core*: local cluster setup library, `plutip-server` and `local-cluster` executables
- *tasty-plutip*: te…
Running completions in the REPL seems to ignore any errors produced by the compiler
## Compiler version
3.3.0 (to replicate, though im sure the latest version swallows other kinds of errors)