After clone sshutle I've got
$ sudo ./setup.py install
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/xxx/GIT/sshuttle/./setup.py", line 29, in
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-…
### Are you using SoftEther VPN 5.x?
- [X] Yes, I'm using SoftEther VPN 5.x, not 4.x.
### Version
_No response_
### Component
VPN Server
### Operating system & version
### Architecture o…
#10 8.662 + eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y git lintian
#10 8.672 Reading package lists...
#10 9.118 Building dependency tree...
#10 9.217 Reading state information...
目前关联合作商版工蜂代码库到蓝盾时,支持SSH方式,需要用户管理 SSH 类型的凭据,比较麻烦,且容易输错对应的凭证
将鉴权方式升级为 OAUTH 方式
1、点击「关联TGit代码库」打开关联页面时,检查当前用户是否做过 OAUTH,若未做过 OAUTH,显示如下:
- 若已授权直接到 3
`[error] Uncaught Exception: Error: 函数必须导出名为 'main' 的方法
at u.load (C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\微信web开发者工具\code\package.nw\j…
I try to setup bCNC on Ubuntu 18.04.; With the command $ python2 -m bCNC in folder ~/Documents/bCNC-master/build/lib$ I get the following error:
**Expected MIME type**
**Returned MIME type**
**Expected Extension**
**Returned Extension**
use version: github.com/gabriel-vasi…
**Affected component(s) or functionality**
tenchboot-sdk: https://github.com/TrenchBoot/trenchboot-sdk
**Brief summary**
During the work with pre-commit setup, another CI workflow returns err…
The script does not work, when executed locally as root user.
The script does not correctly switch to the tfenv_user user
- name: Install tfenv
become_user: "{{ tfenv_user }}"
Hi! I'm trying to install with docker, but I don't understand if the Debian repo server it's failing now or if something is not working.
root:~/dalai$ sudo docker compose run dalai npx dal…