I'm wondering if in networkx or this library I'm limited to DiGraph subgraph isomorphism search?
I need multi.
If you use the LaTeX beamer package, and set a color for math material using
\setbeamercolor{math text}{fg=green}
then styling applied within a `tikzcd` environment only affacts the arrows…
I already reported some time ago problems with the array and the aligned environment. This issue is however different
(with or without the ampersand option.
1. I insert either a array or a a…
I can set options for the filter in the yaml header of the file itself, in a metadata file but not in a defaults file. This is not a huge problem, I just wonder what goes wrong here.
Hi, I'm currently trying to adjust the edge label font size globally across all diagrams. In LaTeX, using the tikzcd package, the edge label text is smaller by default, as the following image shows:
[This diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsMixbMCwwLCJtdWx0aVxcXFxsaW5lIl0sWzIsMCwib3RoZXJcXFxcbm9kZSJdXQ==) contains a `//` in two nodes. In quiver the line break is rendered, but the LaTeX output
See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/716842/i-created-a-quiver-image-but-when-i-compile-it-clashes .
Also discussed in [tikz pgf - Linebreak inside label - tikzcd package - TeX - LaTeX Stack…
When I run this
\draw[fill=blue] (0,0) rectangle (1,2);
Instead of writing
let (src, img, quo) = ((0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0))
node(src, $G$)
node(img, $im f$)
node(quo, $G slash ker(f)$)
edge(src, img, $f$, "->")
edge(quo, img, $tilde(f)$, "hook-->…