Here is the stacktrace
`Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A method must have one and only one service method annotation: com.tinder.scarlet.internal.stub.StubMethod$Factory@f690cc7
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Hi, i've "cannot start process" on my LG Bello (LG-D335) with Android 5.0.2 (Root with kingRoot). My version of csploit is the last version of nightly buid. I've BusyBox, and don't have Xposed.
> ---…
Hey Mozilla folks,
I have rebooted the **Network Information API** recently. This is all in a relatively early stage, but I thought now would be a good time to get your feedback on the proposal:
## Description
Just cloned the latest code of `jitsi-videobridge` from `master` branch and tried to build it with command: `mvn install`. When running tests, I have got following error:
List browsers finds useragents
* [ ] 'com.browser.indian.fast': 'Indian Browser'
* ua: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SM-A325F Build/RP1A.200720.012; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Vers…
## Issue
I am currently working on an expo project with react-native-firebase.
A bit of background context: I recently ran into [this issue](https://github.com/invertase/react-native-…
Yes, I've seen issue #459, but that guy had nouveau, kernel 4.10, and Ubuntu 17.04, whereas I have Ubuntu 18.04, kernel 4.15, and Intel graphics drivers, so the situation may well be entirely differen…
for last two weeks I am trying jitsi-meet. Almost all required functionalities (recording, SIP audio with Jigasi, ...) work except for one.
I can't get SIP video calls to work from Jitsi-mee…
> 翻译自[How to get hundreds of stars on your github project](https://medium.com/@cwRichardKim/how-to-get-hundreds-of-stars-on-your-github-project-345b065e20a2)