When I try to run TorBot binary, I obtain an error and the tool stop. Here is the traceback :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "torBot.py", line 5, in
import settings
>>> hasattr(str, 'replace')
>>> hasattr(str, 'replace', False)
Hi guys,
First of all, thank you for handling this project which seems really interesting.
When I try to test your tool, I have an error concerning savedb.py. Here is the traceback I have :
Implement BFS for web crawling URLs, we currently only search the URL that is passed to TorBot for links on that page. We'd like to search them as a graph using BFS.
Hey, Anyone working on this feature?
When I run this (with the Tor service being down) [DEV branch]
` python torBot.py -u http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/`
I get this error
``` + "LICENSE: GNU Public License" +
`python3 torBot.py -u https://www.rapidtables.com/web/html/mailto.html -m`
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "torBot.py", line 186, in
File "torBot.py", line 163, in ma…
python torBot.py -u www.google.com
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "torBot.py", line 188, in
File "torBot.py", line 162, in main
html_content = pager…
@KingAkeem . See the previous version (current master) . We missed the ext flag. That is no longer in the dev branch. Please add the code for it and submit to dev before porting to 1.2 .
Hi Justin....hi five to you and all ur developer comrades.... especially everyone who's contributing to the Verge project....can we call them "Justinions"? "Minions". "Justinions". Get it? Lol..…