This table is intended to represent schedules that don't have a fixed list of stop times. When trips are defined in frequencies.txt, the trip planner ignores the absolute values of the ar…
Blank interface is shown when changing trip options from a successful trip plan to an unsuccessful trip plan.
**Steps to reproduce:**
Create a valid trip plan, then change th…
I was searching in documentations and proposals and did not find any regular way how to express this.
In our system in Czechia we have a lot of cases of trip-to-trip transfers, where the second veh…
In the trip planner, show some hotels nearby the destination.
Let's assume you want to do a trip from Bern - Interlaken West
The via is Thun
From Thun to Interlaken West you would like to use the boat.
This is done in www.sbb.ch like this:
http://pugetsound.onebusaway.org/where/standard/schedule.action?id=3_16127 (as of 8 Oct 2015)
This stop does not occur in the Pierce Transit GTFS, nor does it show on the Pierce Transit route map for…
In the trip planner, display popular attractions like monuments of the destination selected
I do not know how likely or good is this feature once you begin to stabilize the Trip Planner.
It would be good that the user can plan a trip by selecting a stop on the map or search for a stop, and …
Trip Planner suggests the best route for a location.
Technologies needed: MapBox, (possibly leaflet)