**Story:** design is needed for a confirmation modal in case dApp is requesting permission to switch the active network. Requested by @CedrikNikita
**UX Suggestion:** @smaroudasunicorn @CedrikNikita…
## Overview
**Component/Feature:** Text styles used across the application.
**Reason:** The current text styles do not align with the Figma design specifications, leading to inconsistencies in typ…
Code Input Group bestaat uit Code Input.
[Code Input in Local - Rijkshuisstijl - Bibliotheek](https://www.figma.com/design/Nv5EsCW9ioWBUSi9m9JqOa/Local---Rijkshuisstijl---Bibliotheek?node-i…
[Update: Fran maakt paragraafje + link in Research en bronnen EN link van Figma naar SB]
Figma link:
[Figma link](https://www.figma.com/design/iZgSIuU8hvH9nw3h7WO1ZY/Overheidsbrede-portalen---Templat…
Single hop trade: https://www.figma.com/design/VSXdqFlFkBhdcPs2WqJqMo/SWAP-UX?node-id=2644-8097&node-type=section&t=cOr8kTzNaSJV6QhV-0
Multi-hop trade: https://www.figma.com/design/VSXdqFlFkBhdcPs2…
I'm using Net8 with Laraue.EfCoreTriggers.SqlServer 8.1.2
if I create my code first migration script with `Add-Migration AddTrigger -OutputDir Migrations -verbose` the first time including t…
As a user, I want to organize my types and type references in a four-column design.
- [ ] there are the columns Bay Types, Conductive Equipment Types, Function Types and Logical Node Types from…
1. **[Breadcrumbs](https://www.figma.com/design/mh2maMG2NBtk41k1O1UGHV/branch/LTltmBor2VVv8MMpfhm2U6/GC-Design-System?node-id=7628-1934&node-type=frame&t=8HgGUF1poPGJyfDW-0)**
- [x] Spacing between ic…
Now that recipes of scheduled reports select objects using a query, we need to define what happens in the frontend and how users are notified when:
- object selection query has no results **yet**
- ob…