1. **[Breadcrumbs](https://www.figma.com/design/mh2maMG2NBtk41k1O1UGHV/branch/LTltmBor2VVv8MMpfhm2U6/GC-Design-System?node-id=7628-1934&node-type=frame&t=8HgGUF1poPGJyfDW-0)**
- [x] Spacing between ic…
We need to check the block "Ти лише робиш перші кроки в IT?" design according to the Figma.
Please check the functional and design compatibility.
**Environment**: https://www.qax-camp.com.ua/home-…
## Description
Develop and deploy the OpenSpark reference application and its integration into the Experience Center (EC). The app will include all frontend components built using reusable building bl…
### Description
Full design here:
It should be mobile responsive and clean code.
Please update the Me…
# Redesign the JobPage2 - after signup
## 🔗 Important Links
- **[Figma Design](https://www.figma.com/design/e92wYreGFZsZpdepVaMGGz/Starter-You?node-id=712-1176&node-type=frame&t=7nEjCWE3ZTPt2Dc7-0)…
## Request for Mozilla Position on Payment link type in HTML
* Specification title: Payment link type in HTML
* Specification or proposal URL (if available): No spec yet; please see the explainer
Here is a design to get started:
from lpython import S
from sympy import Symbol
def f():
x: S = Symbol("x")
y: S = Symbol("y")
z: S = x + y
**Infrastructure/operational stacks** generally consist of a collection of software elements defined for managing a set of capabilities or tools provided to a particular application built on top of or…