I don't want to put my source code on server, is it possible to put the lein daemon logic in the -main method?
importer version and elasticSearch Version 2.2.1
Hi, I used this json file
"type" : "JDBC",
"jdbc" : {
"strategy" : "standard",
"locale" : "zh_CN",
"timezone": "Asia/Shang…
I am using [org.scicloj/clay "2-alpha38"] for generating tables of Vega-Lite graphs.
It works from the repl, but when I am trying to produce an uberjar with `lein uberjar`, the whole process hangs.
clj-nix is a great project and my preferred way to build anything clj-related (uberjars or native-images, mostly.)
(So thanks for that!)
Please see this blog post:
my elasticsearch version is 1.6.0 and jdbc version is
I have an issue with the JDBC importer version
I try to import data from a mysql table like this:
2 J…
Building an uberjar with `lein uberjar` fails when one of the libraries is a snapshot. It would be great if there were a non-snapshot version available on clojars.org.
This seems to be an underlying problem with the Apache Camel jars, when bundling into an uberjar.
Usage results in the following error:
Windows 7, Java 8
java version "1.8.0_191"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)
cd leinin…
winks updated
5 years ago
lambda-cat.local ➜ shiva-master git:(f_perftest) ✗ lein uberjar
Warning: The Main-Class specified does not exist within the jar. It may not be executable as expected. A gen-class directive may …
I've just upgraded a project from `lein-ring` 0.8.11 to 0.8.12. Now, when running `lein ring uberjar`, I get:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key must be integer
at clojure.lang.APersistentV…