BPO | [46654](https://bugs.python.org/issue46654)
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Nosy | @warsaw, @terryjreedy, @pfmoore, @ronaldoussoren, @vstinner, @larryhastings, @tjguk, @ned-deily, @ezio-melotti, @merwok, @ikelos, @b…
Un rapport devra être réalisé selon les recommandations suivantes :
- Forme du rapport : police 12, interligne simple, limité à 20 pages (sans les annexes).
- Contenu du rapport :
une page de gar…
13.2 fails build simple application where output in a path to a UNC directory
C:\work\x86_64-13.2.0-release-posix-seh-msvcrt-rt_v11-rev0\mingw64\bin>.\g++.exe c:\work\main.cpp -o \\UNC\path\exam…
I may be missing an existing setting or plugin...
As an IT admin, I mainly work with network UNC paths, it would be nice if I could easily open "\\server\folder" with just the enter key.
When working with Saxon-jing at a server's base uri that returns native UNC pathnames to the XSLT engine, I get error rng:RNGE0003 with rng:schema-report(). That is, if I am working off a server and I…
When running `x install`, I was getting the following error:
Installing stage2 docs (x86_64-pc-windows-msvc)
sh: /C/Users/anton/Documents/rust_compilers/unchained/build/tmp/tarball/rust-docs/x86_6…
I have tried to set the outputDir to a UNC path in smartsheet-backup.properties but it keeps writing the files to the C drive where I am running the jar from.
I have used the format \\server\folder
BPO | [41705](https://bugs.python.org/issue41705)
--- | :---
Nosy | @pfmoore, @tjguk, @zware, @eryksun, @zooba, @Safihre
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated…
**Describe the bug**
This bug was originally reported by user "kkkghs0828" on CMAS Forum.
**To Reproduce**
On atmos, the test data files are copied to this directory:
Tested with... Clamscan 64 bit v1.0.1
clamscan --database=foxhole_filename.cdb v:\infected --remove
Loading: 0s, ETA: 0s [========================>] 3.28K/3.28K sigs
Compiling: 0s,…