Hi! I can't load blend files in ursina, I always gets this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\LENEVO\Downloads\Mincraft.py", line 36, in
K = Entity(model = "untitled")…
I want to move the first_person_controller with the arrow on keyboard. I tryed to achieve it with pyautogui:
def input(key):
if key=='up arrow':
if key=='up …
:prc(warning): Invalid integer value for ConfigVariable win-size: 864.0
:prc(warning): Invalid integer value for ConfigVariable win-siz…
Hello,I am made game with Ursina,but if I build with Pyinstaller,then it's always : Could not load font file: OpenSans-Regular.ttf
Even I change the font in the code:
``` python
import ursina
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Develop\pyweek_30_castaway\main.py", line 18, in
level.mesh_collider.collider = 'mesh'
AttributeError: 'Entity' obje…
One of the things we've been kicking around is PPB in the browser, because you absolutely cannot beat the browser-based distribution model.
Both [pyodide](https://github.com/iodide-project/pyodide)…
here's the entire terminal reading:
PS C:\Users\Shivam\Desktop\voxel 3d\mandaw_openworld-master> & C:/Users/Shivam/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/python.exe "c:/Users/Shivam/Desktop/voxel 3d…
In Heptapod by @JamesParkerStrand on Sep 12, 2022, 07:04
I have been trying to get libraries such as "opencv-python", "panda3d", and "ursina". These libraries, however, don't seem to work with pypy.
PS C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\UrsinaProjects\pyweek_30_castaway> python main.py
info: Using primary monitor: Monitor(x=0, y=0, width=1920, height=1080, width_mm=344, height_mm=194, name='…
Using the latest distribution on github, the following code in update()
always produces a white ball, whereas using color.rgb32…