Migrated from https://github.com/teamshadi/ssoc18/issues/11
Original issue
- Interactive Brokers is a brokerage firm that offers a software through which its clients can trade
- the so…
Some already have annotation information, but that needs to be improved.
Use https://canon-api.datausa.io/cubes as a template.
Hi @RaedZorkot
- Interactive Brokers is a brokerage firm that offers a software through which its clients can trade
- the software is [IB TWS](https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.…
@femmebot noticed in #1933 that some of our apostrophes are uneducated (`'` vs. `’`). I did a cursory search and found a bunch of instances:
_case-studies/campbell.md:166:[^27]: Wyoming Legislatu…
This project is really fantastic and amazing! I am trying to expand the project not only in MA, but in PA or maybe in the future the users can choose which states they want to focus. However, during t…
Drop down menu on the member government programs page that ask if you receive any government assistance does not work.
[Inconsistencies between ICPSR's DATS and DataMed.docx](https://github.com/biocaddie/prototype_issues/files/877339/Inconsistencies.between.ICPSR.s.DATS.and.DataMed.docx)
Sanda found a number of probl…
Only the wise man on a mountaintop knows, but try to explain in a nutshell what are taxes in Norway, and why the first June is a joke
@rohitpaulk is on the Gratipay team. He [contributes work](https://github.com/gratipay/gratipay.com/commits?author=rohitpaulk) and was receiving payments under our old team/members system. What is his…