# Web-Hosting | Shkang04120
웹 구동 하면서 겪은 문제들
# utterances
A lightweight commenting system using GitHub issues.
# Setup utterances
I tried to setup utterances for this website but didnt succeded.
Here is the [plugin](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@saintic/vuepress-plugin-utterances) i tried,
here is the [d…
jurra updated
3 years ago
# utterances
A lightweight commenting system using GitHub issues.
# Test Utterances
Make sure the audio files are written in a dedicated thread to avoid potential delays caused by poor storage.
Matrix dicsussion: https://matrix.to/#/!EOygeDJPfJQOfNacqH:matrix.org/$rPLrUZV32aoIcaDK…
# utterances
A lightweight commenting system using GitHub issues.
# OOPY에 github 댓글과 똑같은 형식의 댓글을!? disqus 탈출하기
깃헙 댓글과 똑같은 댓글 시스템을 블로그에 달아보자!
# Testing utterances - ssamot's heretical rumblings
..where I test a github-based comment system
# Utterances Demo