Please support vim-like search and replace:
Like this:
Jupyter notebook supports surrounding a selected piece of code with brackets, which is broken once vim bindings are enabled. It would be great to add a way of surrounding pieces of code with brackets,…
We are making multiple changes to how keyboards work in Zed.
The first two affect all platforms, the remaining three affect only macOS.
For the thinking behind this, please see [Zed Blog: macOS Ke…
I constantly get messages like `gofumpt failed 2` on save.
I see
[Wed Nov 6 00:28:27 2024 582068] ....living/.local/share/nvim/lazy/go.nvim/lua/go/format.lua:75 |1: { "stat /Users/find.art…
If anyone happens to use both this here plugin and lewis6991/fileline.nvim (or wsdjeg/vim-fetch) and then opens a git-tracked file like this: `nvim FILE:1` an error is thrown:
Error exe…
Hi! On some vim openings the theme's lualine seems to work as it should
While on other it does not
Here I want to address at least this as well:
- https://github.com/prgres/clickup-tui/issues/26
- https://github.com/prgres/clickup-tui/issues/64
### Check for existing issues
- [X] Completed
### Describe the feature
I am Japanese and a zed enthusiast!
I love zed's UI, Design, UX, etc.
However, there are some problems with the CJK langua…
vimwiki uses codeblocks like this
echo hello world
and comments like this
% this is a comment
Is it possible to configure `vim-medieval` to support th…
I've been working on a plugin-like switch for some time. It's a pleasure that someone has done it - thank you.
If you could support iterating over enum values, it would be super cool.
I mean replaci…